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  1. I was reading through all the articles and I didn't see the error message I was looking for.

    When trying to access a document in domino.doc (document manager) I receive the following error when trying to access this link --->

    http://mcddoc.mcdean.int/85256E610078A1B4/(InternalAdmin)/Frameset?OpenDocument& docUNID=3819705CD1FDC10185256E78005C575A

    The above link is supposed to take me to a particular notes document. The user id doesn't have access to the view or document but I am trying to create a custom error message.

    After clicking on the above link I receive a web login message and after typing in my password I receive the message "You are not authorized to perform this operation"

    Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for me? Can you help? (smiling)


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