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  1. Found your web site when I was trying to make sense of "Incorrect data type for operator or @Function: [Keyword] expected"

    The problem was I'd forgotten the [ ]'s in @Command([FileCloseWindow]), coding it as @Command(FileCloseWindow).

    It was obvious to me because the @Command was buried in other code. When I put the @Command separately in it's own button it was very obvious. The error message would have been more helpful if it had said "invalid syntax". The reference to "data type" was a "red herring" in this case.

    Another thing that I should have thought about was the order of execution. Overlooking the order of execution was another hinderance in solving this error, the commands aren't necessarily executed in the order you code them. "Consider the order of execution" should probably be towards the top of your list.

    Thanks. - Larry

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