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  1. Thanks Jake, very useful

    As for the relevance to Domino - well just create an xPage with an image and compute the URL for the image.

    As a two-minute test my image url was grabbed from the Google wizard then split up like this:

    var baseURL = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?" ;

    var chartstyle = "chxt=x,y,r,t&chs=300x150&cht=bhs&chco=3D7930,A2C180" ;

    var axis1 = "32.787,57.377,34.426,75.41" ;

    var axis2 = "19.672,9.836,26.23,16.393" ;

    baseURL + chartstyle + "&chd=t:" + axis1 + "|" + axis2 ;

    The axis numbers could very easily be replace by @dbcolumn / @dblookup

    Of course I look forward to someone building a re-useable control as discussed above, but it's pretty easy to get started now (much easier than Dojo charts).

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