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    • Alexander Schuth
    • Posted on Tue 22 Jan 2002

    In regard to the quoted sticker ("Win95 = Mac 86"), I feel that the "new" XP looks a lot like last years Mac-GUIs (especially Mac OS X, but also 9.5x), which have been on the market a couple months before XP (and - as far as I can see- strongly influenced the look of stuff like Netscape 5.1).

    That's good news for Microsoft, because it shows they don't lag 9 years behind anymore, only a couple months. ;=}

    So, since they now are so close as per the OS, let's see Microsoft change the X-Box into a proper PC to take on the new iMac (aka " that new Ikea lamp that Jobs wants to sell us"). How'll Gates rise to the challenge, morph X-Box into a kitchen-blender? A vacuum cleaner? A toaster?

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