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  1. I had the same problem with Google Analytics ... except different.

    I was using a setting doc (a method taken from one of Jake's templates) to store the Analytics code. I then inherited the code into the HTML head content using @DBLookup, a handy method if you're planning on using the same Analytics code on several forms.

    Then, in the HTML head content, I used @Text with the variable that I had set with the @DBLookup and got the same result... the script actually wrote to the page in plain text. After fiddling with some things (for 2 hours) I simply changed the @Text to @Implode and it worked.

    The nice thing about this method, no JavaScript.

    Another quick note: Google says that you shouldn't use both code versions on the same page, I.E. urchin.js with the new version that Google has put out. (I can't remember the new file name.)

    For me this was a bit of a pain because I was using two seperate programs for Analytics. Google's doesn't require the urchin.js, while my other service does. I don't remember how I came up with a fix for this, but when I do, I'll make sure and post it ... if anyone else has had the same problem.

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