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  1. I agree with your direction Jake and have been paranoid for long enough to have taken the time to educate myself long ago on what other things can be done for money as a developer. Adding a tool to your toolbox is never a bad thing - especially when you can afford to do so.

    All the gloom though about Notes development... folks, if you are a developer, you're a developer. You have the skills to translate needs into applications, work with customers, doggedly attack a problem till it is conquered and so on. If you aren't those things, Domino or no, you're not long for the field. If developing is what you love, no bump in the road will shake you off your course.

    That said, with the number of people getting out of Notes development, it continues to become specialized knowledge and those few who keep their sign hung outside the door will have long term employment if they can get the word out to those companies that still use it.

    The company I work for, Teamwork Solutions, Inc. (shameless plug) still does Notes. A lot. But we are doing other things as well to keep us abreast of technological changes. I suspect, though times may get tough now and then, we'll still be around several years from now as we seem to be adaptive as well as maintaining our core competence with Notes and Domino.

    My advice is whenever a customer asks you to do some work, never say no. Even if it's Excel macros. ;-)

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