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    • Eva V.
    • Posted on Mon 15 Sep 2003

    This JavaScript function may be used to create the link groups for search results or for a view. Place it on any $$viewtemplate or $$searchtemplate and pass the total to it.

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- return middle of the string example: middle('&count=25&start=1&', '&count=', '&') will return: '25' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----*/ function middle(str, ina, inb){ // return middle of the string //alert('middle function'); var startix = str.indexOf(ina); var endix = str.indexOf(inb, startix + 1); var newStr = ''; if (startix >= 0) { if (endix < 0) {endix = str.length;} newStr = str.substring(startix + ina.length, endix); } else {newStr = ''; } return newStr; } // end of function middle() /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Generate links in groups place this script on a $$viewtemplate or $$searchtemplate

    Input parameters: total - the total number of documents in the view or search result format - the format of the generated links 0 (or omitted) generates page numbers, ex. Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | Next 1 generates groups, ex.. Previous | 1 - 4 | 5 - 8 | 9 - 10 | Next when you call the original view the URL should include two parameters: &count will be used to calculate the intervals &start must be the last parameter in the URL defaults &count=30&start=1 place call to this function on the $$...template at the spot where you want the links to appear set the total passed to this function to TotalHits or use @dbLookup to set it to the number of documents in the view -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------*/ function generateLinks(total, format) { // generate a range of links //alert('generateLinks, total = ' + total); function makeLink(curStart, linkText) { // create the <a> tag (internal function) var tmpLink = ''; tmpLink = '<a '+ style + ' href="' + shortLoc + '&start=' + curStart + '" >' ; tmpLink = tmpLink + linkText + '</a>'; return(tmpLink ); } // end of internal function makeLink

    var loc = String(window.location.href); //alert('location=' + loc); loc = loc.toLowerCase(); //alert('location.lowercase=' + loc); var nextLink = 'Nästa'; var prevLink = 'Föregående'; var nextLink = 'Next'; var prevLink = 'Previous'; var style = ''; var links = ''; var ix = loc.indexOf('&start='); // &start= must be the last parameter //alert('ix=' + ix); var shortLoc = loc; if (ix < 0) { start = 1; } else { shortLoc = loc.substring(0,ix); start = parseInt(middle(loc, '&start=', '&'),10); } ix = loc.indexOf('&count='); if (ix < 0) { count = 30 ; shortLoc = shortLoc + '&count=' + count; } else { count = parseInt(middle(loc, '&count=', '&'),10); }

    nextStart = start + count; prevStart = start - count; if (nextStart < total) { nextLink = makeLink(nextStart, nextLink); } if (prevStart > 0) { prevLink = makeLink(prevStart, prevLink); }

    ix = total/count; if (total % count == 0) {ix = ix - 1}; // set number of links

    for (var j = 0; j <= ix; j++) { // create all the links thisStart = j*count + 1; thisEnd = thisStart + count - 1; if (thisEnd > total) {thisEnd = total } if (thisStart == start) {style = 'style="font-weight: bold" '; } else { style = ''} if (format) {thisText = '' + thisStart + ' - ' + thisEnd; } else {thisText = String(j + 1); } links = links + ' | ' + makeLink(thisStart, thisText); } document.writeln(prevLink + links + ' | ' + nextLink);

    } // end of function generateLinks()


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