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    • Matt
    • Posted on Sat 8 Mar 2003

    Has anyone actually tried this with iframes?

    I have an IE only application. I have multiple tiers, with the first being completely unsuitable for print (Flash containing virtual pages). So, I also have an iframe with a format that is more suitable for print. This works totally fine when I use no classes or static classes:

    @media screen { iframe { display: none; } } @media print { iframe {display: inline; } .printShow {display: inline; } .printHide {display: none; } }

    However, when I try to use class names (I have multiple iframes, and the user selects which to print) IE seems not to honor the properties set with script:

    window.frames['frame1'].className = 'printShow'; window.frames['frame2'].className = 'printHide';

    The result is the same as if I didn't bother setting the classNames dynamically.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    contact at: mdbundy - a@t - yahoo.com


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