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  1. Wow - I was totally floored by "ursus"'s comments.

    "could you please make this one usable"?!?

    Personally I think you're providing a great service to the Domino Web Development community. Now that I'm running my own website (http://www.dominoguru.com - shameless plug) I can better appreciate the time it takes to not only do a daily blog but come up with articles that'll keep people coming back for more.

    As far as blogging, I'm using square-brackets to customize the look but plan on using Input Translation events and custom "triggers" to make it easier on me and the user-base once I rollout a comments form - :-D would actually return a smiley icon and :nov272002img: would pull up an image that I've set as an image (either an internal "image resource" or external link etc) that I've declared by that string.

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