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  1. I figured it out!

    Ok, there may be another way, but here's the way I did it.

    * I actually used condition because I needed to pass in 3 fields. * Then for message: I just put "". This resets the message, otherwise, it stays on the last one displayed.

    * Then, in my function, I set the Validator fields using the location of the validator for the function I'm using. Here's an example:

    // The End Date cannot be before the Start Date and, if the employeeType selection is Researcher, there must be a date entered in the End Date field

    function researcherFunction(radioObj, end, start){

    if (end != "") {

    if(new Date(end) < new Date(start)){

    Validator.fields[15].message = "The End Date must be greater than the Start Date";



    else if(radioObj){

    var radioLength = radioObj.length;

    for(var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++) {

    if(radioObj[i].checked) {

    var selected = radioObj[i].value;

    if((selected == "Researcher") && (end == "")){

    Validator.fields[15].message = "You must select an End Date for a 'Researcher' Employee Type";



    return true;





    else {

    return true;



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