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  1. Jake,

    How about an additional feature for logging referers. Borrowing a trick from Mike at http://notestips.com. For example create a computed for display field on every page with a formula similar to this:

    sReferer := @LowerCase(HTTP_Referer); @If((sReferer = "") | @Matches(sReferer; "http://*swapcode.com/*") | @Matches(sReferer; "**") | @Matches(sReferer; "*localhost*");@Return("");""); @NewLine + " <!-- start log referer -->" + @NewLine + " <img src=\"" + DBURL + "logreferer?openagent&referer=" + @URLEncode("Domino"; HTTP_Referer) + "\" style=\"border:0px;width:1px;height:1px;\" alt=\"\" />" + @NewLine + " <!-- stop log referer -->" + @NewLine

    The "logreferer" agent just saves a document with the value of the "referer" taken from the query string. Or in my case I save all the CGI variables as well so I can see what browser is used.

    Keep up the good work I appreciate greatly the work you and others have done for the Domino development community.

    I try in my own small way for the few Domino.Doc developers out there, at http://swapcode.com now XHTML 1.1 compliant.

    regards john marshall

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