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    • Carlos
    • Posted on Thu 22 Mar 2007

    Hi Jake: Let me to tell you how I'm developing your example in Notes: I've got 02 forms:frmPrueba and frmColourPicker.-

    -frmPrueba,it's got one text field named MyFavouriteColour and a buttom named Elegir.This buttom has got code JS in onClick event: url=dir/frmColourPicker?OpenForm"; window.open(url,'new_win','width=150,height=150').

    -frmColourPicker,it's got a combobox(has defined Yellow,Blue..,etc) named Colour with JS code in onClick event: window.opener.document.forms['frmPrueba'].MyFavouriteColour.value = this.form.Colour.value; window.close(); and onChange event :funtion JS sendAndClose(this,0) for combobox.Also I added my library ComboLista like resource.

    Before I just defined in Script Lybraries my library named :ComboLista,there I put all JS code that you showed : function sendAndClose(selObj,restore){ if ( selObj.selectedIndex != 0 ){ self.opener.document.forms['frmPrueba'].MyFavouriteColour.value = selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].text; window.close(); } }

    Ah, I work with IE 6.00?? and FireFox 1.5 and when I run with these browser are ok ,but in Lotus Notes.....nothing !! :(...sometimes LN , please I need your help to resolve my broblem... All the best for you, Carlo Lima-PERU

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