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    • Graeme Gilbertson
    • Posted on Tue 20 Aug 2002

    Sorry Jake,

    I went off on a rant....

    I am trying to display the data I return as a chart.

    However when I view the output in a browser all I get is XML code.

    I start off the output in the servlet with

    res.setContentType("text/xml"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

    and then I call the code to draw the output (as I said in the last post, I am merely trying to output the example from this site as a starting point)

    out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); out.println("<svg width=\"300\" height=\"300\">"); out.println("<g id=\"db-symbol\" style=\"stroke:#000000\">"); out.println("<rect x=\"20\" y=\"130\" width=\"140\" height=\"140\" fill=\"#41B8D4\"/>"); out.println("<circle cx=\"200\" cy=\"200\" r=\"70\" fill=\"#FFFF5C\"/>"); out.println("<path d=\"M 150,60 L 60,180 L 240,180 Z\" fill=\"#F555A8\"/>"); out.println("</g>"); out.println("</svg>");

    As I say, all I get is the xml type output....so I am not sure where I am going wrong.

    Thank for your quick reply.


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