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  1. I made a solicitor cry once on the phone. It was for some credit offer and I was pretty upset because they had called the previous weekend at the same time and I told them to never call me again. Well, this was a guy with a high-pitched voice (think Jacko...) and I honestly thought it was a lady. I said once "no ma'am" and he said "I'm not a woman". I apologized and he kept going.

    I explained that I was not interested and that I have previously requested them to never call me again. I told him I wasn't interested but he persisted. Finally, when he was hanging up he said "I just don't understand why you are not interested in this great offer for credit" and was actually crying when he said it. Poor guy, can't last too long doing that!

    There is also a huge telemarketer's conference here in the US. A group of people will rent rooms at the hotel where the telemarketers stay and will just call all the rooms at the hotel at 3am waking up the telemarketers... hilarious!

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