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  1. Adding HTML to the view column or the form field to be looked up in a view seems a waste of bandwidth and encrouches on the 64k lookup limit if you are doing dblookups (and its still there in v6 apparently) so why add the HTML?

    I find that packing a string with delimiters in the field (column) means that you can look it up faster and add the html later using @formula.

    Something like:


    then for an anchor tag in a table-cell:

    "<TD><A href=/" + @word(List; "~"; 1) + ">text</A></TD>"

    Al the static text gets added after and helps separate out data from presentation.

    I accept that doing "plain" HTML view embeds cant use this technique, but I find that I have a lot less control with view embeds.

    Just my 2pence worth - cheers - Tim.

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