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  1. Thanks Jake, 'took me abt 5 minutes after I read the article to modify your function to work with yyyy-mm-dd, could probably have been done a little more dynamically and compact, but I am a little pressed for time, so maybe later...

    paste my code here so you can have a laugh...

    regards Ib

    function dateComponents(dateStr, format) { var results = new Array(); var datePat = /^(\d{2}|\d{4})(\/|-|\.)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{2}|\d{4})$/; var matchArray = dateStr.match(datePat); if (matchArray == null) { return null; } // parse date into variables if (format.charAt(0)=="d"){ //what format does the server use for dates? results[0] = matchArray[1]; results[1] = matchArray[3]; results[2] = matchArray[4]; //check for two digit (20th century) years and prepend 19. - should probably be a check to se if year is between 2000 and 2050 or so.... matchArray[4] = (matchArray[4].length == 2) ? '19' + matchArray[4] : matchArray[4]; } else if (format.charAt(0)=="m"){ results[0] = matchArray[3]; results[1] = matchArray[1]; results[2] = matchArray[4]; //check for two digit (20th century) years and prepend 19. - should probably be a check to se if year is between 2000 and 2050 or so.... matchArray[4] = (matchArray[4].length == 2) ? '19' + matchArray[4] : matchArray[4]; } else if (format.charAt(0)=="y"){ results[0] = matchArray[4]; results[1] = matchArray[3]; results[2] = matchArray[1]; //check for two digit (20th century) years and prepend 19. - should probably be a check to se if year is between 2000 and 2050 or so.... matchArray[1] = (matchArray[1].length == 2) ? '19' + matchArray[1] : matchArray[1]; } return results; }

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