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  1. I think CSS is up to the task it's intended for.

    It's the browsers that aren't up to CSS, that cause the problems.

    Until the browser makers all get on the same sheet of code, and produce products that meet the CSS standard in way that compliments one and all, CSS will continue to have it's cross-browser quirks.

    I can write no-tables CSS code that works in IE And Opera, but fails in NS, and the only way to make it work in NS is to make it fail in the other browsers.

    Personally, I can do without NSnav.

    I've never seen a version of NS that I liked.

    IE has market share.

    Opera is just too good, it's too user definable, as such most users can eventually find a way to render your page unreadable; Although they might be impressed with the amount of effort it's takes to do it.

    Bottom line; Does the site do what it's made to do, for the people it's supposed to do it for?

    I can remember when the www was nothing more than series of text-based bbs's with black backgrounds and mostly green text, and it got the job done.

    Are tables really that bad, is CSS the only answer?

    Probably not.

    Rest assured though, as soon as we get a good handle on CSS, and cross-browser-compatibility(CSS-CBC), somebody will come along with something even better that has even more bugs in it.

    The way I see it, if it works use it, if it doesn't, it's useless.

    Don't get me wrong; Accessability is a good thing for those who are visually impaired.

    On the other hand so is Accessability for the visually capable.

    Two very different groups of people there; However, they do have the advantage of only having to rely on one browser to correctly display their sites of choice, and no doubt about it, if one doesn't work they'll find another that does. Browser that is.

    I don't know about you, but I'm going to go with the browser that supports the best code, and let the browser makers work to get my business.

    Like I said above, I'll code for IE and Opera, and to hell with NS.

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