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  1. Obviously you're under no obligation to fulfill our wish lists of how to topics, but if you want to put one together that does cover how authentication works in the above scenario I'm sure it would be very handy to more than a few.

    The reason I say so is that the web service concept works well for the simple scenario above. So far, in my experience, adding security is still something of a challenge but I haven't tried with 8.5 / .NET yet. It would be really a joy to find out it's as simple, or at least on par with, the exercise you show here. But I suspect you'll quickly run into certificate signing and having to set up a domain certifier that works for both environments or at least can be imported into Active Directory so that .NET can authenticate to Domino.

    Generally, as far as interop goes, (while I'm glad to see web services have come far enough so as to actually be easy to use), web services are the "heavy" answer when you look at everything happening... the generation of the WSDL, generation of a class just to connect to the service as defined by same... and when the service provider decides to change their port description/signature, the connecting service either fails or has to have a failover mode to requery the WSDL and regenerate the class, which may need to cause a rewrite of the code.

    In the end, I still favor simple services that are just a version of query string parameters and text returned without all the XML in between. It's generally quicker and lighter in terms of maintenance and implementation if you have a couple of free classes on hand.

    But having to do it with Web Services, I'm certainly thankful you've published this guide and remain hopeful you share the solutions to the security implementation as it would be very helpful to any future person asked to use this in a real environment that requires security.

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