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    Easy fix shown below.

    <code> function valiDate(obj, min, max, format){ dateBits = dateComponents(obj.value, format); if (dateBits == null) return false;

    //Check it is a valid date first ... //Now check whether a range is specified and if in bounds var theDate = new Date(dateBits[2], parseInt(dateBits[1],<b>10</b>) - 1, dateBits[0]);

    if ( min ) { minBits = dateComponents (min, format); var minDate = new Date(minBits[2], parseInt(minBits[1],<b>10</b>) - 1, minBits[0]); if ( minDate.getTime() > theDate.getTime() ) return false; } if ( max) { maxBits = dateComponents (max, format); var maxDate = new Date(maxBits[2], parseInt(maxBits[1],<b>10</b>) - 1, maxBits[0]); if ( theDate.getTime() > maxDate.getTime() ) return false; } return true; } </code>

    Interestingly i did notice that you have used the bug fix on this post http://www.codestore.net/store.nsf/cmnts/F3E50993039AF1EB86256C10002FA6A5?OpenDo cument

    (Thanks for the cool work jake)

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