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    • Postman
    • Posted on Wed 9 Jun 2010 09:09 AM

    I found this because of a google alert and I thought I would add a posties perspective.

    1. RM and the CWU have agreed to lift the limit of 3 Door to Door items (unaddressed mail) to 4 with immediate effect - 5 in July and 6 or more from Next Year. So you will be getting more

    2. We used to be paid for each one - about 1.6p per item - From Monday we receive no extra payment.

    3. They are now treated by Royal Mail as "live" mail and they have to be delivered by a certain schedule.

    4. Failure to deliver is a both a sackable offence. and a criminal offence.

    5. Only "OPT Out" of the official D2D system will stop D2Ds being delivered as we are instructed to ignore notices on letterboxes about flyers/junk mail.

    6. Reposting the D2Ds wont have any long term effect as the mail collected from Post Boxes are handled mainly by mail centres, and not the delivery office who delivers the D2Ds. They will just bin it.

    7. By law and instruction, (at least that's what I was told by my manager), Postal Workers are not allowed to accept any mail handed to them by a householder, even refused mail. So please don't be offended if the postie refuses to accept your refusal of the junk mail. He may well lose his job if he does. (I know its crazy)

    This is a direct result of RM now being a business focussing on the senders of bulk mail rather than the receivers, after all they pay for postage. When privatisation happens the same focus will only sharpen.

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