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  1. I don't think you do yourself justice with this one. Although I'm sure there are times when you would use a JS button over a formula, I think the error has more to do with how you call the submit.

    By calling document.forms[0].submit() you are assuming that the code in the onsubmit button is called, and thus the doClick() code that Domino generates is called. Is this the case?

    If not, either through your use of the submit() method, or as a result of browsers not calling the onsubmit code in response to submit(), then it appears that the fault is either in the browser or your code.

    Granted that Lotus' response sounds lame, but it suggests that it is a result of onsubmit, and therefore doClick not being called.

    What happens if you call doClick directly, assuming you can work out the button reference? What happens if you call onsubmit() instead of submit? The doClick code is important to Domino's processing of the POST request, so does need to be executed.

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