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    • Mark
    • Posted on Thu 5 Apr 2007

    Hi Salvador,

    I've been using the NotesMIMEEntity class for a while now and have worked with attachments too. The files you want to send have to be (temporarily) on the server's file system to be able to read them into a MIMEEntity (I didn't find a way to read embedded objects to a stream directly).

    The following code should help you on the right track:

    dim strFileAttachments List As String

    strFileAttachments("image.gif") = "c:\somewhere_on_your_server\image.gif" strFileAttachments("word.doc") = "c:\somewhere_on_your_server\word.doc"

    'create mime attachments for every file Forall file In strFileAttachments 'set correct content types for known file types Select Case Lcase(Strright(file, ".") ) Case "gif" strContentType = "image/gif" Case "jpeg", "jpg" strContentType = "image/jpeg" Case Else strContentType = "application/octet-stream" End Select Set mimeChild = mimeRoot.CreateChildEntity Set header = mimeChild.CreateHeader("Content-Disposition") Call header.SetHeaderVal({attachment; filename="} & Listtag(file) & {"} ) 'only required if we're embedding something we need to reference later on, i.e. inline images 'Set header = mimeChild.CreateHeader("Content-ID") 'Call header.SetHeaderVal( |<| & Listtag(file) & |>| ) Set stream = session.CreateStream If stream.Open(file) Then Call mimeChild.SetContentFromBytes(stream, strContentType & {; name="} & Listtag(file) & {"}, ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY) Call stream.Close End If End Forall

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