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  1. An alternative way might be to kick off the process and have it periodically update a temporary document with the current number of documents processed and if there has been an error.

    Then have the web side periodically check this document (the original call returned a reference to this document).

    It feels slightly better as your batch process will get completed regardless of what the user does allowing for agent timeouts etc. If your hitting agent timeouts during the daytime (which I think by default is 10 minutes) then I wonder if the process should really be running during the day.

    If I really need to get around that I would split the batch into individual control documents which a scheduled agent would process and then notify the user via email - the same approach your taking but server side rather than client side. You could still have the Flex app / Javascript within an iframe perform a periodic check on the control document to see if all of the processing has finished - but this way you not reliant on the client being there for the process to complete.

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