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    • Ian
    • Posted on Thu 2 May 2002


    I'd just thought I'd drop a quick line here incase anyone else runs into the problems I had when going through the today article about running servlets with Visual Age... bearing in mind that I'm completely new to this area...

    First thing:

    The article tells you to specify a path in the server config doc, where you are going to store your servlets. NOTE you have to manually create this directory as Notes doesnt do it for you - which isnt mentioned in the article...

    Secondly - I'll just point you at this post on notes.net

    http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/46dom.nsf/55c38d716d632d9b8525689b005ba1c0/f1578326f 31371c5852568ff0061a1dc?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,servlet

    As of writing this I'm still trying to get the thing to work, but seem to have overcome the first two problems... but why cant Lotus first test these articles out on people completely new to the technology first and document the potential pitfalls into the article, it sure would save a lot of trouble....

    Rant over,


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