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    • Postman
    • Posted on Wed 9 Jun 2010 09:50 AM

    Yes they are but to be honest apart from a few posties who should be sacked for lack of professionalism anyway, I don't know any that drop them on purpose. Yes I do drop them by accident and if I spot them I will pick them up, however sometimes they ping off so fast you cant see where they went.

    I do search for them but RM management give posties a maximum of 8 seconds per address to deliver the mail so we can't spend too long searching for them.

    It also does not help that they are cheaper and "nastier" than the old fashioned brown ones, which blended in better than the bright red ones. I don't think more bands are being dropped by posties, just that they are now more visible.

    Yes it is a criminal offence and at least one Postie in Dumfries was given a £50 fixed penalty notice when 1 fell out of his post bag. http://www.dgstandard.co.uk/comment/dumfries-post-letters/2008/12/30/bins-need-emptying-51311-22569887/

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