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    • Jake Howlett
    • Posted on Wed 20 Apr 2005 12:09

    Fredrik. I think that's why I don't get to use XML all that much - I rarely get to make one system talk to another...

    Jerry. There's some interesting XPath in the Linkify script (turns plain text links in to actual clickable links) which would give us something like this for finding the word "test" in a P (I think):

    //text()[(parent::p) and contains(.,'test')]

    Search highlighting is an interesting one. Hadn't thought of that. Codestore's search results don't use &highlight= because I use HTML for the view. GM could easily add this parameter back in. Another script could then do the actual highlighting (Domino won't do it as I am using PTHTML!). If only I had the time...

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