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  1. When I write complex applications broken into function calls, I *always* combine the (little documented) lsi_info(2) function with an extra "Last Error Message" parameter to every function call. Then an errorhandler in *every* function can report the exact location of an error properly.

    Sure, this is verbose, but it does guarantee the end-users will be able to help you find the errors later.

    If you also declare all subroutines as Functions, which returns True if it has no errors (instead of using Subs), you can test for success and decide when to abandon the agent's run.

    Example: Create a test agent, Run-from-actions-menu, Shared, Run-once, containing the following code:

    Option Public Option Declare

    Sub Initialize ' This agent (when called from a browser) demonstrates error trapping for web applications ' ' Written: Martin Audley, Oxford, England ' Dim strLastErrMessage$ On Error Goto ErrorHandler If bPrintAMessage%("Hello World 1",False,strLastErrMessage$) Then If bPrintAMessage%("Hello World 2",True,strLastErrMessage$) Then Call bPrintAMessage%("Hello World 3",False,strLastErrMessage$) End If End If If strLastErrMessage$<>"" Then Print strLastErrMessage$ ExitSub: Exit Sub ErrorHandler: Let strLastErrMessage$=strLastErrMessage$ & "Routine '" & Lsi_info(2) & "' at line #" & Erl & " generated error message: " & Error$ & "<BR>" Resume ExitSub End Sub

    Function bPrintAMessage%(strMessage$,bDoRaiseADeliberateError%,strLastErrMessage$) ' Function returns True if it successfully outputs a line to the web browser.

    On Error Goto ErrorHandler Print strMessage$ & "<BR>" If bDoRaiseADeliberateError% Then Let bPrintAMessage% = bFunctionContainingAnError%(strLastErrMessage$) Else Let bPrintAMessage% = True End If ExitFunction: Exit Function ErrorHandler: Let strLastErrMessage$=strLastErrMessage$ & "Routine '" & Lsi_info(2) & "' at line #" & Erl & " generated error message: " & Error$ & "<BR>" Resume ExitFunction End Function

    Function bFunctionContainingAnError%(strLastErrMessage$) ' Function to deliberately raise a divide-by-zero error to demonstrate error handling, On Error Goto ErrorHandler Dim iDenominator% Print 1 / iDenominator% Let bFunctionContainingAnError%=True ' (NB: Never reached - because of deliberate error)

    ExitFunction: Exit Function ErrorHandler: Let strLastErrMessage$=strLastErrMessage$ & "Routine '" & Lsi_info(2) & "' at line #" & Erl & " generated error message: " & Error$ & ". This routine was called from parent function " & Lsi_info(12) & ".<BR>" Resume ExitFunction End Function

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