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  1. Jake,

    Thanks for your great blog. I can't tell you the number of times I've found answers here.

    Tonight, it was the checkbok, um, "limitation". I'm using Dojo's xhrPost to submit my form. This allows me to use the web query save to validate the form on the server side and return any error messages, if there are any.

    I started noticing a strange occurrence. When I un-selected a checkbox, the empty value wasn't being returned to the server.

    I googled the issue and immediately saw your site.

    Your solution worked perfectly, and saved me hours of struggle.

    Something you wrote and discussed six years ago came to my rescue here tonight.

    I'm going to start my own blog to try to give back to the community. Blogs like yours are my inspiration.

    Thanks again,

    Jeff Byrd

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