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    • Andy
    • Posted on Tue 18 Mar 2008 06:59 AM

    Ok not too sure about this, and yes the code needs refactoring, but if you post namevalue pairs to an agent for processing, loop through the request_content_xxx fields and append them to a stream... Streams don't seem to have the 64k limit, only fields, then process the stream as you would the field...

    If Contextdoc.HasItem("REQUEST_CONTENT") Then

    fieldname = "REQUEST_CONTENT"

    NameValuePairs = Split(Contextdoc.GetItemValue( fieldname)(0),"&")

    Forall nv In NameValuePairs

    fieldname = Strleft(nv,"=")

    fieldvalue = Strright(nv,"=")

    Call stream.WriteText( "&" + fieldname +"="+ Trim(fieldvalue) , 5)

    End Forall

    Call contextdoc.RemoveItem(fieldname)


    For x = 0 To 9

    If Contextdoc.HasItem("REQUEST_CONTENT_00"& x) Then

    fieldname = "REQUEST_CONTENT_00"& x

    NameValuePairs = Split(Contextdoc.GetItemValue( fieldname)(0),"&")

    Forall nv In NameValuePairs

    fieldname = Strleft(nv,"=")

    fieldvalue = Strright(nv,"=")

    Call stream.WriteText( "&" + fieldname +"="+ fieldvalue , 5)

    End Forall

    Call contextdoc.RemoveItem(fieldname)

    End If


    End If

    ' Print "Bytes = " & stream.Bytes

    stream.Position = 0


    buffer = Stream.ReadText(1)

    ' Print (buffer)

    NameValuePairs = Split(buffer,"&")

    Forall nv In NameValuePairs

    fieldname = Strleft(nv,"=")

    fieldvalue = Strright(nv,"=")

    If fieldname <> "" Then

    Savedoc.ReplaceItemValue fieldname, fieldvalue

    Set item2 = savedoc.GetFirstItem( fieldname )

    If item2.ValueLength > 900 Then item2.IsSummary = False

    End If

    End Forall

    Loop Until Stream.IsEOS

    ...just a thought..

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