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  1. I couldn't agree with you more, also being a dad and a homeowner spare time is very much a thing of the past.

    That said I've been toying with the idea of looking at Flex, and have been playing with Objective C with a view to looking at Objective J.

    I've installed 8.5 under Fusion on my MacBook intending to get xpaged up but perhaps like you I'm a bit bored with the clunky, quirky, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't development experience. So it's hard to justify the time to learn it when I already have too many work and home life projects on the go.

    The idea of being able to store information in objects associated with the user is quite attractive though, session and page etc.

    No doubt I'll fall in line when things get a bit quieter at work or if there's a reasonable prospect of me going to LS2010.

    Was nice to hear that I'm not the only one not jumping on the xPages train right now.

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