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  1. I truly understand her pain, as I'm in kind of the same boat. I was informed last week that we are killing ALL Lotus Notes / Domino. We are migrating our mail to Exchange, and everything else to some "yet to be named" thing. ALL Notes/Domino development is to cease as of the 1st of the year, and all clients and servers are to be uninstalled / decomissioned by September 30, 2005.

    I'm pretty certain that the decision is purely political. Somebody very high up with decision-making power, but lacking in either experience or complete information made the call, and we are not allowed to question it.

    I still don't know what we are going to migrate our apps to. I've heard some talk of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, P -what the heck is the P for??), but I'm not betting on anything yet.


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