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  1. @Henning - you keep mentioning a public 8.5.1 beta - and I have not seen anything offical on that. What is your source? There are the code drops that Design Partners are getting now and the Managed Beta that will start at some point this year. You should really document your source of a public beta committement for 8.5.1 before people get the wrong idea. As far as I know, there is no public beta for 8.5.1 minus the Traveler release on Greenhouse which allows people to test the iPhone syncing functionality using ActiveSync.

    As for XPages - you are all entitled to your opinions of course. I dont have the energy to convince anyone to like them or use them. Each person can make up their mind. That being said, all of my Notes development since December has been 100% XPages - there is notes dev at PSC that is not XPages of course, but not what I am doing. I also know of many cutomers who are jumping into XPages development big time. It might be end of the year before they have production 8.5.X servers to run the apps, but dev has started.

    XPages solves all of the Domino Web issues I had and did it without requiring hacks and workarounds. With the local runtime in 8.5.1 Standard to run XPages from a local database, I see a large portion of app dev moving to XPages period.

    Everyone will decide what their path around XPages is - some are already far down the road, some will pick it up with 8.5.1, and some will decide not to go there. That is of course your choice - but don't be surprised when you see the majority of new stuff coming from IBM, both in the box and in new delivery methods like OpenNTF.org, be focused on XPages and Composite Applications.

    For me, what XPages has done, is let me go into a client and show them 'web 2.0' style applications built on the Domino server using Eclipse.org style editors - and that is making a difference. Sure, VS.NET and Flex have great editors, both have been out far longer than DDE. I am seeing interest from our open source consultants, who spend their days in django, joomla, and other tools - and who laughed at Domino dev - being interested in Domino development today solely because of XPages.

    @Bob - you should really put out your bias before you talk negatively about XPages for everyone to read so they can judge your comments effectively. I know, based on what I saw transpire in the DP program, what happened.

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