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    I've started writing this all day but didn't know what to say or how to say it.

    Not to copy what many others have said, but we follow Jake Howlett not Domino, primarily because IBM stopped following us some time back. I check Codestore every chance I get just to see if there is a new article and to read the feedback from very experienced professionals like Dragon and Jerry and a countless amount of others. I've read every word that you've posted for the last five or six years. Even the stuff that I don't have a clue about or real interest in like Sharepoint, I still find myself intrigued and wanting to read more.

    Even though it isn't any of my business I still want to toss in my two cents.

    As a pretty young guy, you've had major changes take place in a short period of time. Work, marriage, kids, no-work (poor attempt at humour); that's a lot to take in and deal with in just a few years. No matter what decision you make it will in the end be the best one especially if you put 100% in it.

    My thought is forget about Xpages, advance your level with other technologies like Flex, .Net, Sharepoint or whatever and advertise the heck out of all the stuff you bring to the table. If you don't see a significant increase after a reasonable amount of time maybe look at alternative 8 to 5's for a little while.

    No matter what I wish you all the best and I hope you keep blogging!

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