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    • Mark
    • Posted on Thu 22 Oct 2009 04:52 AM

    Hi Jake,

    Adding attachments to a HTML mail isn't too difficult, but I only got it to work by extracting the files that need to be attached to a temporary directory on the filesystem first. As I recall it isn't possible in LotusScript to create a NotesStream object from a document attachment directly.

    The code I use looks something like this (lstFileAttachments is a string list containing the full path to a number of files):

    dim strContentType$

    Forall file In lstFileAttachments

    Select Case Lcase(Strright(file, ".") )

    Case "gif"

    strContentType = "image/gif"

    Case "jpeg", "jpg"

    strContentType = "image/jpeg"

    Case Else

    strContentType = "application/octet-stream"

    End Select

    Set Me.mc = Me.body.createChildEntity()

    Set Me.mh = Me.mc.CreateHeader("Content-Disposition")

    Call Me.mh.SetHeaderVal({attachment; filename="} & Listtag(file) & {"} )

    'only required if we're embedding something we need to reference later on

    'Set Me.mh = Me.mc.CreateHeader("Content-ID")

    'Call Me.mh.SetHeaderVal( |<| & Listtag(file) & |>| )

    Set streamFile = ttSession.s.CreateStream

    If streamFile.Open(file) Then

    Call Me.mc.SetContentFromBytes(streamFile, strContentType & {; name="} & Listtag(file) & {"}, ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY)

    Call streamFile.Close

    End If

    End Forall

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