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  1. Steve, I think quite a few people would blog using Domino if a) they knew it could be done, b) their IT department lets them.

    I was visiting my client last week and proposed as idea to using blogging for their international project. When he learned that it's possible via Domino and Web, he was very interested. But then the corporate problems start - IT departments, firewalls, etc. The project is multi-company, multi-country. Several use Domino, several don't. Obviously an non Domino blog suites all, but the Domino clients want to be able to keep using Notes Client. So with web clients on to a Domino blogger, things could be easier for all.

    Other Domino related problems are e.g. the signing of databases, replicating them on corporate servers.

    Any blogging software can be dounting (sp?) for a novice. An easy to use Domino blogging template is easier to use since they continue working in an environment they are used to.

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