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    • K Ford
    • Posted on Mon 14 Jul 2003


    Does the method I use to submit my form matter? I have a couple of things I'm doing in my form that are different than your example form. I have tried the code and it works in your example, but not when I put it into my form..

    Here are two of the differences in my code. - $$Return is computed for display - I submit with JavaScript: form.submit()

    The way my $$Return works is that it is computed for display and depends on another field.. like the following.

    simplified code for $$Return ----------------- @If( redirectField = 1 ; "[url1]" ; "[url2]" );

    So... In my javaScript function that does the submit, I alter "redirectField" to 1 or 0. Then I perform a form.submit() and everything is peachy. Can you see the reason why your code won't work on my form?

    Best regards,

    K Ford

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