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    • Salva
    • Posted on Fri 2 Dec 2005 02:53 AM

    Disclaimer: I haven't tried this.

    Don't call an agent, call the same form you are validating and execute the agent on the webqueryopen event, only if there is a parameter &submit=1 in the URL.

    The default values for the fields should include @urlquerystring(@thisname), and you should have hidden text lines with the errors, that only show when the field has an error, and &submit=1. This way you would have a pretty validation webpage that is easy to build.

    The caveat here is that we must show the user a success webpage if the values he submited are valid, and I don't know if we would be able to redirect the user in the webqueryopen event. However, if any of you have an idea for this, I think that we would have good solution.

    On second thoughts: maybe submit initially to an agent, that redirects you to the success page or to the same form (passing the same parameters the agent received) if there was an error?

    P.S. There is also the problem that you wouldn't be able to upload attachments with this method, but this is not a problem (at least for me) for most webpages.

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