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  1. You need to augment your code two ways - first is that you need to support both & and ; as variable separators. Second is to decode URI entity references ala %7F. I just posted something for that on http://www.notesoss.org/MainBar.nsf/DateAllThreadedweb/a612fb7bdb4f3fd188256bdb0 03b2365?OpenDocument

    It's a CGI object with the interface:

    .New(NotesDocument) The document is expected to be either a NotesSession.DocumentContext document or a document of your own devising. The code does not read from NotesSession.DocumentContext automatically to allow the user to munge the data.

    .Param(String) As String Reads a parameter value.

    .URIEscape(String) As String Accepts a native string and encodes values to be URI safe.

    .IsHex(String) As Integer A boolean value returned if the passed string could be a hex value.

    .HexDecode(String) As String Converts a Hex value into a single native character

    .URIUnescape(String) As String Converts a URI safe string into it's native representation

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