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  1. Jake,

    Don't confuse a visit by the Google bot and non-appearance in the search results to be the be all and end all. The google bot crawls pages and stores the results, but the indexes are only refreshed periodically (depending on load and how often Google thinks your site changes). When I've looked in the past, this can take from a few minutes (in the case of heavy traffic sites) to several weeks for the results to appear in the indexes.

    Also, check your stats to see if the google bot accessed the view AND the document. Again, the google bot often only reads what it knows exists, and comes back later to follow links from that content. I think they do this as a), they know that most content doesn't change very frequently, and b) they can schedule new content crawls when they know other workload is low.

    Finally, if you've got '?' in your URL's for the views (and linked documents), Google probably won't index the view anyway. You need to use '!' so that Google doesn't think your causing a dynamic query for the page.

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