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  1. This thread helped me out a LOT today.

    Here's my version of the code for parsing the Request_Content field

    [<br clear="all" /><code>] Public Class RequestContentParser Private psRC As String Private piAmpPos As Integer Sub new(Byval sRequest_Content As String) psRC = sRequest_Content piAmpPos = 0 End Sub Public Function Unescape(Byval s As String) As String Dim iP As Integer Dim sL As String Dim sM As String Dim sR As String iP = Instr(s,"%") If iP <> 0 Then sL = Left$(s,iP-1) sM = Mid$(s,iP+1,2) sR = Mid$(s, iP+3) Unescape = sL & Chr(Cint("&h" & sM)) & Unescape(sR) Else Unescape = s End If End Function Public Function GetNextField(sFieldName As String, sValue As String) As Variant 'boolean, true if successful, false if no more fields Dim iEqPos As Integer Dim iFieldPos As Integer On Error 1 Goto ErrorSub If piAmpPos = -1 Then Error 1 iFieldPos = piAmpPos + 1 iEqPos = Instr(iFieldPos, psRC, "=") If iEqPos = 0 Then Error 1 sFieldName = Mid(psRC, iFieldPos, iEqPos - iFieldPos) piAmpPos = Instr(iEqPos, psRC, "&") If piAmpPos <> 0 Then sValue = Unescape(Mid(psRC, iEqPos + 1, piAmpPos - iEqPos - 1)) Else sValue = Unescape(Mid(psRC, iEqPos + 1)) piAmpPos = -1 'flag that there are no more fields End If GetNextField = True ExitSub: Exit Function ErrorSub: GetNextField = False Resume ExitSub End Function Public Function GetFieldValue(sFieldName As String) As String Dim iAmpPos As Integer Dim iFieldPos As Integer Dim iValPos As Integer Dim sValue As String iFieldPos = Instr("&" + psRC, "&" + sFieldName + "=") If iFieldPos = 0 Then GetFieldValue = "" Else iValPos = Len(sFieldName) + 2 iAmpPos = Instr(iValPos, psRC, "&") If iAmpPos = iValPos Then GetFieldValue = "" Else GetFieldValue = Unescape(Mid(psRC, iValPos, iAmpPos - iValPos)) End If End If End Function End Class [</code>]

    You use it by putting this code in your declarations, and having the line

    From there, you do something like: [<code>] Set Session = New NotesSession Set RCP = New RequestContentParser(Session.DocumentContext.Request_Content(0)) Do while RCP.GetNextDocument(sFieldName, sValue) Print sFieldName + { = "} + sValue + {"<br>} Loop [</code>]

    The GetFirstField method is unnecessary unless you need to start from the begining a second time.

    You can also get a specific field value with GetFieldValue.

    Enjoy, and Thanks!

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