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  1. Couple of things...

    First, I think asking who or what is a Domino blogger is slightly off the mark. I think the right question is: who is a member of the Domino blogging community? After thinking it over, I've come to the conclusion that Volker is not a Domino blogger, but he is a member of the Domino blogging community. The community includes people who are Domino bloggers because they blog with Domino, people who are Domino bloggers because they blog about Domino, bloggers who have some long-time connections to Domino and to many people in the Domino community even though they dont blog with or about Domino (think Ned Batchelder and Damien Katz), and people who regularly read and comment on the blogs of community members even though they don't blog themselves.

    So, whether or not he ever posts about Domino, Volker certainly falls into that category of bloggers with long-time connections to Domino and to people in the community. He visits some blogs belonging to members of the community and posts comments on occasion, and a huge portion of the community visits his blog and posts comments. On top of that, it is my understanding that he is the one who prompted Ed Brill to start blogging, and Ed's blog clearly inspired dozens of people (if not more) to start blogging about Domino, so it is fair to say that Volker isn't just a member of the Domino blogging community -- he's a founder, or elder, or grand poobah, or something like that ;-).

    Regarding finding people who blog about Domino, there have been several attempts to pull something together. I've got an aggregator site for participants Rocky and Bruce's "Show 'n Tell Thursday" project. More than 40 Domino bloggers have either set up category feeds or are using Technorati tags that my aggregator subscribes to, and more than 220 posts have been pulled in -- almost all of which are tips of one sort or another for Notes/Domino developers, admins, or users. It's not a huge number given that it's been going for three to four months, but there could be more; and since there are quite a few Domino bloggers, myself included, whose blogs have much more non-Domino content than Domino content, this aggregator provides some useful filtering since it only gets posts that have been deliberately marked as Notes/Domino tips for SnTT. BTW, the aggregator site is here {Link} and the outbound feed with articles pulled from the various contributors is here {Link}/feed.rss

    And yes... the URLs suck. I was supposed to be arranging hosting on a bigger, better and more reliable server than my little home box; but somehow that kept being put off by someone and I stopped nagging after a couiple of months. I guess I should just register something and point it to my site rather than just waiting for the hosting to happen.


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