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    • Anura
    • Posted on Mon 31 Jan 2005


    Great article - it sums up what I have been doing for a while.

    You can do some things to spice up the search function. For example, my $$Return field converts spaces to commas, to ensure that each word is searched on rather than the words-together-as-a-phrase. I also add in the count parameter and also the name of a page layout (like a template) used to display the search results.

    Also, on my ReturnGeneralError form I trap the case where a blank search term has been entered and deliver a specific error message for that situation. I trap the blank search term by looking for "&query=" in the URL querystring with a null value. The formula for parsing query strings that you posted on Codestore are on every form (for the web) in my databases.

    Thanks for the great site. While the arguments around "Domino vs M$" keep raging, some of us have to get on and just use it. Some of your articles have formed the core of the way I now work.


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