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    • Christoph Berger
    • Posted on Tue 5 Feb 2002

    Hi Erwin

    I rewrote your code and now it works.

    Regards Chris

    Here's the code:

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// // Agent written by Erwing van Hunen // Extended by Christoph Berger, 04.02.2002 // The following agent loops through all unprocessed (selected) documents, and zips all // attachments unless they have the ending *.zip. // To mark the processed documents, the agent adds in the subject field the text // "<contains zipped files at the end>" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////

    // used classes import lotus.domino.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration;

    // standard notes class public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {

    // main programm public void NotesMain() { try { // declaration of some variables FileOutputStream fos; RichTextItem rtitem; String attachmentname; String archivename; String oldarchive; byte b[] = new byte[512]; // initialize Session session = getSession(); AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext(); Database db = agentContext.getCurrentDatabase(); DocumentCollection col = agentContext.getUnprocessedDocuments(); Document doc = col.getFirstDocument(); // loop through all documents while (doc != null) { // save flag boolean saveFlag = false; // location of the data dir archivename = session.getEnvironmentString("Directory",true) + "\\" + doc.getNoteID() + ".zip"; // create an new file and zip output stream fos = new FileOutputStream(archivename); ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(fos); // get the bodyfield rtitem = (RichTextItem) doc.getFirstItem("Body"); // get all embedded objects and the number Vector v = rtitem.getEmbeddedObjects(); Enumeration e = v.elements(); // loop through all objects while (e.hasMoreElements()) { EmbeddedObject eo = (EmbeddedObject)e.nextElement(); // check if it's an attachment if (eo.getType() == EmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT) { // check the ending of the attachment, if it's a zip file, then it doesn't make sense to zip it again if ( eo.getName().toUpperCase().endsWith( ".ZIP" )); else { InputStream in = eo.getInputStream(); ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(eo.getName().replace(File.separatorChar,'/')); zout.putNextEntry(ze); int len=0;

    // read the bytes while((len=in.read(b)) != -1) { zout.write(b,0,len); } // close the entry and remove the attachment zout.closeEntry(); eo.remove(); saveFlag = true; } } } // check if something has changed in the document if (saveFlag) { // close the file- and zip output stream zout.close(); fos.close(); // add some lines to the body item rtitem.addNewLine( 3 );

    // attach the file rtitem.embedObject(EmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, null, archivename, archivename); // add some text to the subject line doc.replaceItemValue("Subject", doc.getItemValueString("Subject") + " <contains zipped files>"); // save the document doc.save(true, true); saveFlag = false; }

    // close and delete the zip file fos.close(); File zipfile = new File(archivename); zipfile.delete(); // get the next document doc = col.getNextDocument(doc); } // handle the errors } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

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