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  1. Jake! Is the tube still not running? Do you need to get out more!?!

    Seriously though, I can appreciate your Jarre fixation, I've also got something of and appreciation, but can only claim to own one CD, Oxygene. Oh look, I just pulled it up in Winamp to remind myself!

    Can't say I've really spent anytime listening to Sasha, like I don't know the first thing about him, but maybe I would know some of the songs if I heard them. Maybe I'll go over to Amazon and see what I can find.

    I like the moon thing, I didn't know that. If you after fond Jarre memories, here is mine:

    I was about 17, and working as a clerk for a retail company, and my car broke down while at work. I couldn't get home, so I went to see the company secretary knowing that there might be a pool car knocking about to get me out of a fix. Indeed there was, a mini, but alas the windscreen wipers were stuck on, and it was a dry day. What else have you got I asked, and all that was left was a VW Golf. A 16 valve, mark two, VW Golf! Ah now that will do nicely! I went straight home, and noticing on the way that it had a CD player, ran inside for some decent driving music. Jarre. Had to be in this car with leather seats, CD and snazzy dash, compared to my battered and broken mark two escort this was going to be fun! And so I spent most of the evening driving around the M25 and all the back lanes I knew, loving every minute.

    In the end I had the Golf for about 2-3 weeks, and Jarre was always at hand for the evening drive home!

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