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  1. Jake, I've been using your web session class for ages. I love it.

    I have made a couple of changes though that have improved performance. One was in the area of URL Encoding / Decoding. LS Is much slower than the native java methods for this, so I used LS2J to wrap the proper methods and you get a huge performance gain.

    Public Function urlEncode(s As String) As String

    Set Me.jses=New JAVASESSION()

    Set Me.jclass=jses.GetClass("java/net/URLEncoder")

    Set Me.jstring=jclass.CreateObject()

    urlEncode = Me.jstring.encode(s,"UTF-8")

    End Function

    Public Function urlDecode(s As String) As String

    Set Me.jses=New JAVASESSION()

    Set Me.jclass=jses.GetClass("java/net/URLDecoder")

    Set Me.jstring=jclass.CreateObject()

    urlDecode = Me.jstring.decode(s,"UTF-8")

    End Function

    Similarly, if you wanted to use Base64 Decoding, LS is very slow for this but there are freely available java libraries that improve performance by a couple of orders of magnitude. That implementation is a bit more long winded so I'll leave it off here.

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