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    • Jess
    • Posted on Sun 23 Nov 2003 10:28

    More useless facts: It was Monty Python that made it famous. Spam is named from the classic sketch in which a woman is badgered to order spam items from a menu so much, she finally screams out, "but I don't want spam!!!"

    Most ISPs let each account have up to six email addresses nowadays. I have three that I use. One for work, one for personal, and one for web registrations that gets spam that I don't care about.

    I have a folder called "registrations". When I sign up for something, I use the registration email (and ALWAYS check for the little checkbox not to be signed up). I usually only have to wait about two minutes, and then my new username and password gets sent to my email. After that, I move it to my 'registrations' folder, and my account info is all in one place should I ever need it again.

    After that, I don't care how much spam gets sent to the account.

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