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  1. I've made lots of these "bookmarklets" in my time, without knowing i did. I recently discovered an additional feature, that enables me to take these "bookmarklets" to the right-click menu in IE5+. This is nice for framebased sites, where you want to apply the bookmarklet to a certain frame.

    It works like this: You need to store the bookmarklet on your HD in a certain file, and point to it using a special registry key (see example). Notice the use of external.menuArguments - this is required to get the window you right-click on.

    Example: (cookie.htm) <script> win = external.menuArguments if (win.document.cookie!="") { u="Cookies:\n----------\n"; s=win.document.cookie.split("; "); for (i=0;i<s.length;i++) u+=s[i]+"\n"; alert (u); } else alert ("No cookies"); </script>

    (commands.reg) REGEDIT4

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\Show &Cookies] @="c:\\IE Commands\\cookie.htm"

    This example requires the cookie.htm file to be placed in c:\IE Commands directory, but it can be placed anywhere. Just modify filepath in commands.reg file.

    Best regards, /Claus

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