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    • axel
    • Posted on Fri 10 Sep 2010 09:31 AM

    I guess you had a great work life balance over the last 10 years.

    This year I am kind of the other extreme, which isn't healthy: I sleep nearly all the weeks in hotels and the person that really means something to me is 11.000 km away south-south-west, but thats really offtopic here.

    Again this extreme isn't healthy, but if you give up a wee bit your "my home is my castle" mentality and spend the weekdays of some month in sort of a team for a project... I don't like hotel rooms neither ... but the people I worked with this year has been astoundingly ok. And I learnt a lot from them. I need this on site contact in project to learn from others. This year in my case its exagerated (and not normal compared to other years), but in your case maybe a bit more pack a suitcase and be into a project for 4 days a week. In a way I learn easier from co-workers than 10 years ago. Back then I was a bit timid that other people thought I were stupid. Now I don't care no more.

    Else I enjoyed not little of the stuff you've written over the last 10 years.

    very best luck for you and your family.

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