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    • Jake
    • Posted on Mon 8 Nov 2004

    A very good point Krasna! It's probably a case of me talking without really doing much thinking ;o)

    What I should do is play with categorised views and, more importantly, test this on views with documents appearing in more than one category.

    Although, in theory, it should be possible using .search(). Imagine a view that shows documents created with the Article form. The first column is categorised by the (multi-value) field called Area. If you want everything in the "test" category then the .search formula is:

    Form="Article" & Area="Test"

    If any of these documents appear in more than one category it shouldn't matter. You can even select them from more than one category, like so:

    Form="Article" & Area="Test":"Another"

    Or you could select documents in a second-level category, like so:

    Form="Article" & Area="Test" & NextLevelFeild="Test2"

    Like I say, I've not actually tested any of this theory, but I can't see why it wouldn;t work.

    Does this help? Did you have a specific problem in mind?

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