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  1. I know this article is fairly old, but I wanted to thank you and also share some additional things I used to add a dynamic redirect after deleting the document.

    I have a javascript function in my form to delete the current document which basically uses the info you gave in your article.

    function dodelete(redirect) { var confdel = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this document?") if (confdel==true) {window.location = "/[dbname.nsf]/$$All/[@Text(@DocumentUniqueID)]?DeleteDocument&redirect=" + redirect};}

    I have a delete button on my form which calls the dodelete(<computed>) function with computed text as the argument so I can dynamically assign the redirect URL.

    Also, I have a Query_String field in my $$ReturnDocumentDeleted form, and I have some javascript to redirect that page to the url following the &redirect portion of the Query_String field.

    So far, it's been a huge hit with my web users.

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